We are your trusted partner for the development and structuring of solar energy projects in Italy and Spain.
proyectos de energía solar
Logotipo planeta verde en blanco
We create shared value, respecting the territory, betting on a new fair and circular economy.
We promote a decentralized renewable energy model, respecting the environment and the territory.
proyectos de energía solar
Logotipo placas solares
We are specialists in Agro-photovoltaic and Energy Communities.
We make sustainability sustainable. We protect the environment, the landscape and the local economy.
Logotipo mano medioambiente
We choose investors who are aware of the environment and the social impact of solar energy projects, respecting the collective heritage
manos de agricultor tocando la tierra

Our focus is eco-social innovation, we are the partner of the farmer or land owner, we develop sustainable Agrovoltaic projects and energy Communities to build and operate them, selecting the best investors who share our vision and values.

The current centralized renewable energy model requires a change. Large solar projects in the hands of the energy oligopoly and large corporations without respecting the territory, using large tracts of agricultural land is not sustainable.

We need a decentralized sustainable system that respects the territory and the local economy.

The development of renewable energies must be compatible with the countryside and agriculture. The energy oligopolies and the vast majority of large investment funds extract value without taking into account the needs of the territory and its inhabitants.

Logotipo planeta en color blanco

For the moment, the energy transition is in the same hands as those who have brought us here.